Tuesday, December 20, 2011

Wednesday, November 16, 2011

Saturday, October 22, 2011

Killer Chemtrails: The Shocking Truth

Fema Camp Coffins Investigated

An Anti-NEW WORLD ORDER SONG - Free This Town by Chris Geo Remix

The American Dream - FULL LENGTH

"Occupy Wall Street Has a Right To Be Angry" - Gov. Buddy Roemer, Fox Bu...

"Occupy Should Be Embraced, Not Ignored" - Gov. Buddy Roemer on "Freedom...

Black Panther Party at Occupy Cleveland: "We need to take back the Street!"

Occupy Cleveland

Occupy Cleveland Day 2 - with special guest DJBG

Occupy Erie protestors meet with Erie chief of police

Pirates and Emperors - Schoolhouse Rock

Watch live streaming video from occupyerie at livestream.com

NYPD Police Pepper Spray Occupy Wall Street Protesters

Drunk homeless man peeing on Bank of America: Occupy Chicago? Haha

Occupy San Francisco: filmed at occupation

Occupy Seattle - park ranger smells weed

October 21 Occupy Phoenix march Chase Bank

Clips from Occupy Phoenix 10-15-11 99%

Monday, April 11, 2011

Erie Pa CopWatch's own Bussiere does a bike blog

BTF Snorts a Cookie.. on Battlecam.com

Jimmys Friends Challenged to Pee on Jimmys Back.. on Battlecam.com

Jimmy Gets Pissed at Momma & Pees on Her.. on Battlecam.com

ogmike, the coinbox remake

Jimmy Derzko goes off on Coinbox Mike

OG Coinbox Mike shaves his eyebrows for $50 live on battlecam


Coinbox Mike Remix www.Battlecam.com

beerguy calls 911 live on cam

Someone calls cops on beerguy

Beerguy gets cops called on him again

IRL Battlecam: Bourbon Hates Ryfourn

Okay, here's what happened according to me, Ryfourn.

We were taking some kind of group picture together, and I thought it would be funny if I had my tounge out near Bourbon's ear. I didn't actually lick his ear, but he was PISSED anyway.

When I realized I'd upset him, I tried to apologize. The guy physically attacked me by shoving me. I didn't want to leave things like that, so once again I tried to make peace with him. I thought any reasonable person would have just let it go if given an apology, but no.

Finally, he just gets in my face and screams. Notice I don't even react, because I actually feel bad for the guy (and I've dealt with people like him before... in the psych ward). I then place my hand on his shoulder and tell him I won't bother him again, because I respect him.

I really liked Bourbon and thought he was a great guy. I don't know why he gets so stressed and angry. He wouldn't even be social with us.

It was like if anybody touched him, he was ready to throw down. He called us like out of control, no, somebody like him who tries to start a fist fight out of nothing is out of control. I hope he doesn't try to take on so much responsiblity again, 'cuz he can't handle it.

Alki David & The Stripper Pole Prank.. on Battlecam.com

Bourbon_Drinker & Ryfourn Fight at the Hotel.. on Battlecam.com

Susie Having Items Thrown at Her.. on Battlecam.com

BattleCam LIVE on DirecTV tonight !!

BattleCam LIVE on DirecTV tonight !!

Battlecam - Jen Pranks Alki

Interview with Streaker : Battlecam $1 MILLION Challenge

www.battlecam.com by Sanmarts

Jimmy Fallon mentions Alki David & Obama Challenge Streaker

Alki David on RT News

Live TV online FilmOn Web Commercial for iPad, Blackberry, Android

Filmon.com Promo

Battlecam Commercial

Vikki & Bubba dancing to (my neck my back) Battlecam.com part 1

RealJustin On The Run From Cops on BattleCam.com

Police seek answers in hostage hoax

DJ KEEMSTAR on How he got " SWATTED "

Alki tells Mike to wear a shirt first time on battlecam

You know I stole your bottle of wine

PRANK CALL on Police Officer call back - ZOLAR ON BATTLECAM funny

BTF! Gets kicked out of Starbucks! BATTLECAM

BTF aka Billy The Fridge fakes a seizure inside of starbucks

Justin Asked To Leave Kinkos.. on Battlecam.com

Cops Called on Justin.. Justin Rages.. on Battlecam.com

Justin Leaves Kinkos & the Cops Come.. on Battlecam.com

Cops show up at bourbon drinkers(room_211) house on battlecam.com

BTF aka Billy The Fridge gets confronted by the police live on battlecam


The Real retarded pothead GhostDog put Bussiere of Erie Pa Copwatch/SpotLightTv on his hit list

GhostDog puts Bussiere of Erie Pa CopWatch on his list

This may or my not be the real retarded PotHead Stoner GhostDog
Want to be a ✩Reality TV STAR✩ ... ? Battlecam.com will be LIVE on @DIRECTV Tonight at 9:00 PM PST

✩ Battlecam.com TV is the live interactive reality television channel and community of FilmOn.com

**REGISTER TODAY** http://www.battlecam.com/

Sunday, April 10, 2011

The End of a Erie Pa ass beating ( found on youtube )

Erie Pa CopWatch's own Bussiere's Mentor Alki David Says Battlecam Will be on Direct TV Soon!.. on Battlecam.com

Erie Pa CopWatch and SpotLight Tv's Bussiere's Mentor Alki David Says Battlecam Will be on Direct TV Soon!.. on Battlecam.com

Battlecam.com Billionaire Alki David and fiance papped by TMZ

Alki David founder of Battlecam.com and Bussiere's mentor , eccentric billionaire behind the Obama streaker stunt and fiance Jennifer Stano is papped by TMZ off Melrose Ave in W. Hollywood

Doom28 trying to get Christian Lestat of Erie Pa CopWatch to look at him @ BattleCam.com/SpotLightTv

Sorry Doom28 but Bussiere is into girls

Retarded Stoned Pot Head GhostDog Gets caught hacking Battlecam.com/SpotLight by Bussiere of Erie Pa CopWatch/SpotLightTv

This Stoned out of his mind Pot Head was so high that he thought he could hack Bussiere of Erie Pa CopWatch/SpotLight Tv's page and do what smoke what may be the illegal weed
After Bussiere saw that he banned GhostDog and informed battlecam about GhostDogs Actions on www.Battlcam.com/spotLightTv

You would have to be high to think you can get over on Lestat Bussiere like this pot head ass clown.

DJkemos and GhostDog takes over SpotLightTv/ Erie Pa CopWatch on Battlecam.com/SpotLightTv

Old man Gets mad at Erie Pa CopWatch's Bussiere for running BattleCam.com/SpotLightTv like a cop

Old Man gets mad @ SpotLightTv/Erie Pa Cop Watch and talks shit on BattleCam.Com/SpotLightTv

Old Man gets mad @ SpotLightTv/Erie Pa Cop Watch and talks shit on BattleCam.Com/SpotLightTv

Erie Pa CopWatch's Bussiere uses cop like powers to police BattleCam.com/SpotLightTv

Alki David says Erie Pa CopWatch's Bussiere is here 2 stay on BattelCam [HQ]

Alki David talks to Erie Pa CopWatch ( Lestat Bussiere ) and gives him a challenge [HQ]

Thursday, March 24, 2011

Saturday, February 5, 2011